
Can My Feet Be Contributing To My Neck Pain?

Your feet can often be a factor in your neck pain. Here's why...the pain or misalignment lower in the body tend to work their way upward. Similar to a tall building; it's only as strong as its base. Just like a chain is only as strong as its weakest link. Work on fixing the neck - a neck pillow, muscle massage, and heat pack or ice pack; but make sure your body alignment is correct lower down too.

Also, the whole body works as one. If their is a problem somewhere the body must focus its attention there. This is one reason why why suffering from a cold or flu, you neck starts to hurt. So, yes, your feet can definitely be a hidden neck pain culprit, but your overall health may be a factor too.

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Visit Arc4life.com for your online selection of cervical support neck pillows, orthopedic pain relief products and Home traction units. Products for pain relief.

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A Poor Night’s Sleep Can Cause Much More Than A Sluggish Morning…

Scientists have discovered that sleep plays a big role in the body’s healing. More specifically: immune system functioning, memory, and your metabolism to name a few.

If your immune system isn’t functioning at its best that means you are leaving yourself open to many things; much worse than feeling sleepy…

Here’s one example, in a study by the Institute of National Health and Researchers from the Netherlands discovered that lack of sleep can equal a greater chance of cardiovascular disease.

Visit Arc4life.com for your online selection of cervical support neck pillows, orthopedic pain relief products and Home traction units. Products for pain relief.

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What's Most Important When Choosing A Neck Pilow?

The most important aspect of your neck pillow is comfort. Try sleeping on that neck pillow that's just too hard, or even just squishes too much - you may wake up with pain and tingling in the arms, who knows. The next most important aspect in general for a pillow is the neck roll. This is there to help improve and maintain that ever so important, cervical curvature. Everyone is a little different however. A hypoallergenic pillow like most of our pillows may be necessary for someone with allergies. Someone used to memory foam may prefer one slightly more firm.
A Comfortable pillow is important to help you fall and stay asleep
A Comfortable Pillow is Important to Help you Fall Asleep

Also remember, when choosing your pillow, it's gotta have good neck support but comfort is king! (only get the large size if you are tall, not based on your bed) - Just wanted to put that to squash any possible confusion with my last line.

If you find yourself not getting a great night's sleep with you're once perfect pillow, it may just be time for a new one.

Visit Arc4life.com for your online selection of cervical support neck pillows, orthopedic pain relief products and Home traction units. Products for pain relief.

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The News always talk about low back pain, what about neck pain?

I was flipping the TV channels last night and caught a clip from NBC Nightly News. They were talking about back pain, and of course the usual surgery drugs thing. The newscaster said to the resident doctor: "What about prevention?" She replied with the usual "strengthen the core". This may occasionally help the lower back but what about the neck?

A lot of the time they lump the neck into back things. Because your back often refers to the spine, which includes the neck. Well, just like the low back, we have to regularly look to practice prevention of pain or something similar.

There's no "core exercises" for the neck but it's very similar. You need to keep the neck health and strong too. I begin the day with dynamic stretches that include the neck and do sustained stretches later as well. I also do head retraction exercises regularly (As you may have figured, I do a lot of computer work).

So, think about your neck too, it's also part of the back!

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Visit Arc4life.com for your online selection of cervical support neck pillows, orthopedic pain relief products and Home traction units. Products for pain relief. Add to Technorati Favorites Delicious Bookmark this on Delicious Stumble It!