
The Cervical Linear Traction Neck Pillow is Great When on Your Side

As you can imagine, I've tried many pillows. I have yet to find one that compares to the cervical linear traction neck pillow. Not only is it the most comfortable, it's probably the easiest to use.

Just right comfort, not too firm and not to soft, I found it the easiest to transition from back to side.

I started by using the "V"side, now I rotate it 180 degrees and use the "gravity" side.

When I turn it's not only easy but there's actually enough space there too...

Visit Arc4life.com for your online selection of cervical support neck pillows, orthopedic pain relief products and Home traction units. Products for pain relief. Add to Technorati Favorites Delicious Bookmark this on Delicious Stumble It!


The Difference Between Soreness and Pain

What is the difference between being sore and being in pain? Soreness is often a good thing; you are building muscle or stretching out ligaments, etc...

Those are two perfect examples actually. Let's say I do neck traction for too long or too many pounds; I will be sore. The body just isn't used to it and ligaments and/or tendons are being stretched. It'll feel like an ache.

Just like when you go work out or maybe lift weights for the first time in awhile, you may be sore.

That's or main tell-tale sign - what were you doing that precipitated this painlike sensation. If you over-did a workout, or did it for the first time, you are using new muscle groups or at least using one that haven't been worked like that in a while - that's soreness, and is normal. Now if this persists for days and started following a awkward movement it can be pain.

My suggestion is to take a break or take it easy on that body part for the next week or until it feels better.

Visit Arc4life.com for your online selection of cervical support neck pillows, orthopedic pain relief products and Home traction units. Products for pain relief. Add to Technorati Favorites Delicious Bookmark this on Delicious Stumble It!