
What Is The Pillow Dust Cover?

The dust cover that is now available has been an extremely helpful addition to a number of the pillows we carry. It easily slips onto the pillow and zips closed. It’s made of a soft material that is easily washable. It will preserve the life of your pillow, not only protecting it from additional dust or allergens but also protect it from the wear and tear of sleeping or extra washing.

It is an extra layer that protects your pillow from chemicals in hair gels and shampoos, and you can take it off, and wash it versus having to wash the pillow itself. Place the cover over your pillow, zip it up and put it in your normal pillow case that matches the bed spread.

It is also protects against additional allergens which is especially important to allergy sufferers. There are a lot of people prone to certain allergy triggers; some may not even know they have allergies or at least the extent of them. For those individuals we highly recommend the special dust cover.

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