There are many natural pain treatments available such as chiropractic and acupuncture |
If you go to your doctors you are most likely going to get a prescription. Some doctors will keep prescribing medication over and over again. In that case, see another doc if you can.
Some great treatments that are natural would be chiropractic, acupuncture, and massage. You can even combine any of these treatments sometimes for faster results. Some call them alternative medicine. Nowadays, anything that's not drugs or surgery, is given this title. Acupunture has actually be in existence much longer than allopathic medicine, and things like chiropractic and massage may not have been called chiropractic but has been used for hundreds of years.
A couple other notables are: supplements, relaxation type therapies, hypnosis. I even am aware of someone turn things around by laughter (watching comedy 24-7). Now, I'm not saying this works for you, but there is no harm in trying.
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Additional Reading Resources
- Home remedies guide
- Neck Pain Relief Treatments that are all natural
- Treat a Stiff Neck Naturally at Home
- The Hunch Back Posture. How to Treat this area of the Upper Back that Sticks out.
- What Does Forward Head Posture Look Like?
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