
Do I have a Disc Problem in the Neck? And what can I do to get neck pain relief?

The arc4life cervical linear traction neck pillow
Do yo have radiating pain? Do you have other symptoms like numbness and tingling in the fingers? Do you have severe neck pain? Does it hurt when you cough or sneeze?

If you do, you may have disc pain. But...Even it's a strain I would still recommend the Cervical Traction Pillow!

The "V" actually holds neck fairly stationary which we have found to be very helpful in a patient with disc problems.

Opening up the disc spaces with a little neck traction can help relieve symptoms too...

Additional Reading:

Visit Arc4life.com for your online selection of cervical support neck pillows, orthopedic pain relief products and Home traction units. Products for pain relief. Add to Technorati Favorites
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