No one wants to have neck pain just from travelling during the holidays. It has been reported that 20% of travelers injure their back or neck in the whole travelling process. A large percentage of those report having a sore neck after being in uncomfortable positions while seated. If you are travelling during the holiday season by air plane, then you will definitely be spending some time in the airport waiting area and then sitting on an airplane. Most likely in the seated position. Trying to get some sleep in a sitting position can be difficult. There are special travel pillows that are u shaped that made especially for going around your neck in any position. They will ensure that your head and neck are aligned properly. It is very easy to have your neck flopping from side to side in a awkward position. These travel pillows can be made out of fiber or foam depending on your preference.

There is also a special neck pillow designed for people who suffer from headaches, call the Headache Ice Pillow- it uses the combination of ice (with a gel pack) and proper support for the neck to decrease inflammation and tension in the muscles of the neck.
Travel pillows will ensure that you arrive well rested and refreshed, no matter where your destination.
Visit Arc4life.com for your online selection of cervical support neck pillows, orthopedic pain relief products and Home traction units. Products for pain relief.

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