
Arc4Life in the NY Times!...

Just wanted to put a quick post out there about our recent interview and publishing in the New York Times Newspaper.  I was interviewed by Penelope Green.

Here is her article:
NY Times Pillow Article

Here is her write-up on the Cervical Linear Traction Neck Pillow:
CLT Pillow and Write-Up

Visit Arc4life.com for your online selection of cervical support neck pillows, orthopedic pain relief products and Home traction units. Products for pain relief. Add to Technorati Favorites Delicious Bookmark this on Delicious Stumble It!


New Dietary Guidelines For Your Health

I wanted to do a post on this because I thought it was interesting.  Your diet is a major factor in you health.  Whether it's pain relief or not it's too important to ignore.  After all may will pass away having no pain at all, or at least until those final moments...

You've all heard it before: "He was so healthy...and then this happened..."

These guidelines are something to consider but make your own decisions when it comes to your health.

Let's review the recent guidelines:

  1. Limits on Sugar - This one they got right, sugar is responsible for many heath issues, especially those fake added ones.
  2. Salt limits - like usual, this one is actually off. Our bodies are actually made of salt and water; enough said!
  3. Eat Less Meat - maybe these days since they feed our animals so many drugs.  If that's what they're talking about, get more grass-fed.
  4. Limits on Caffeine - Awwwww; they say it's involved in many problems, but not really.  I actually have read probably just as many things showing that really isn't true.
  5. Role of the Environment - unfortunately we spay everything with chemicals, put it in our water, animals excrete all those drugs, and we grow stuff that we eat???
All that being said - try to eat more organic, eat less sugar, avoid chemicals.  This is the world we live in - do your best and and you'll be better for it.

Visit Arc4life.com for your online selection of cervical support neck pillows, orthopedic pain relief products and Home traction units. Products for pain relief. Add to Technorati Favorites Delicious Bookmark this on Delicious Stumble It!


What Is Apophsitis?

Apoptosis is a inflammation of the growth plates.  This usually occurs at the growth plate under stress during exercise.  It occurs in children as you can imagine because they are still growing.  An example might be of a youngster pushing him or herself to finish a race when they are younger than 15 years old.

Kids shouldn't have pain.  If they do, and they are involved in sports, apophysitis can be the reason.  At a joint in the body, tendons attach muscle to bone and this may be where the pain exists.

To help the area heal one should cut their exercise or work-out time; and in extreme cases surgery has proven successful.

Visit Arc4life.com for your online selection of cervical support neck pillows, orthopedic pain relief products and Home traction units. Products for pain relief. Add to Technorati Favorites Delicious Bookmark this on Delicious Stumble It!


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