The Bed Wedge Prevent Things from Falling In Between the Mattress and the Headboard/Wall : Tv remotes, chapstick, lotionspillows and more. |
Just recently a customer called me with a relatively simple problem they were having: their pillow kept falling in between the head board and the mattress, and kept landing on the floor. In addition other items were landing on the floor regularly: the tv remote, lip moisturizer, books and more. Not only was this interrupting their sleep, but other things were falling into this space.
Could i recommend any pillow that would literally go into this space and stop this from happening? Something long and rectangular he said and wide enough to fit this space.
Well I did have something in mind- The
Bed Wedge- this product claimed that it "keeps your pillow under your head and not under your bed". Basically its a wedge shaped product that stays in this weird space. It works for twin, double, queen, calking and king size mattresses. Incidentally, you can also use this pillow along the length of your bed (especially great if your bed is beside a wall). This is great for little kids so that their arms and legs do not end up between the wall and the bed. Anyways, check out the
Bed Wedge here.
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Deadly Os Product Reviews
Additional Reading Resources:
Arc4life.com for your online selection of cervical support neck pillows, orthopedic pain relief products and Home traction units. Products for pain relief.
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