
A Travel Neck Pillow for the AirPlane and Airport

Travelling for the holidasy does not have to cause neck pain
No one wants to have neck pain just from travelling during the holidays. It has been reported that 20% of travelers injure their back or neck in the whole travelling process. A large percentage of those report having a sore neck after being in uncomfortable positions while seated. If you are travelling during the holiday season by air plane, then you will definitely be spending some time in the airport waiting area and then sitting on an airplane. Most likely in the seated position. Trying to get some sleep in a sitting position can be difficult. There are special travel pillows that are u shaped that made especially for going around your neck in any position. They will ensure that your head and neck are aligned properly. It is very easy to have your neck flopping from side to side in a awkward position. These travel pillows can be made out of fiber or foam depending on your preference. A Headache Ice Pillow is also u shaped and great for sitting in awkward positions at airports and on airplanes
There is also a special neck pillow designed for people who suffer from headaches, call the Headache Ice Pillow- it uses the combination of ice (with a gel pack) and proper support for the neck to decrease inflammation and tension in the muscles of the neck.

Travel pillows will ensure that you arrive well rested and refreshed, no matter where your destination.

Visit Arc4life.com for your online selection of cervical support neck pillows, orthopedic pain relief products and Home traction units. Products for pain relief.

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The Winter Weather is Here: Are you Shoveling Snow Properly?

Today in central Connecticut we had 6-10 inches of snow. We have a very long steep driveway, that needs to get shoveled by hand. Once in a while, our awesome neighbor will come and use his 4 wheeler with a plow hook up to plow our driveway, but we do have to shovel a few times during the winter season.Today in central Connecticut we had 6-10 inches of snow. We have a very long steep driveway, that needs to get shoveled by hand. Once in a while, our awesome neighbor will come and use his 4 wheeler with a plow hook up to plow our driveway, but we do have to shovel a few times during the winter season. Here are some tips to keep safe this season:

  • Bend with the knees, not the back. When you go to pick up or move the snow, bend your knees. You may have to think about this the first few times, but your body will get used to.
  • Brace shove handle against thigh to lift snow

  • Use a good shovel with a with a bend in the handle. This allows you to stand up straighter as you push for less back strain.

  • With heavy and wet snow lift smaller amounts of snow. Don’t try to push too much snow either, you can injure yourself just like if you tried to lift too much

  • Do some gentle lower back stretches before you start to warm up and loosen up your muscles. Flex forward, extend back, laterally bend right, laterally bend left and hold each stretch for 10-15 seconds.

  • Dress in layers and make sure you try to stay as warm as possible. It is very important to wear a hat, gloves, a scarf, and double socks. If you get cold, you muscles will tighten and you can more easily get injured when cold

  • Wear a support belt if you suffer from back pain. Wearing a lumbosacral belt when you shovel will help you protect your lower back muscles. Here is a great article about how to wear a lumbar support belt: How to Properly wear a lumbar Support Belt for Moderate- Severe Lower back pain

  • Don’t be embarrassed to ask for help

  • Don’t be too cheap to get the driveway plowed- a back injury is not worth it if you have a back condition

  • This applies to using a snow blower as well- let the plow do the work, do not try to push too much snow or move the snow blower to often with out using the motor

  • If you know there is 6-10 inches coming, do some shoveling at the 2” mark and then again when the storms over. As snow sits it can get heavier, making it more likely that you may injure yourself. Fresh snow is lighter and much easier to handle. It is safest to shovel snow early, rather than waiting until the snow stops falling. If you wait, the snow may pack down to create an icy lower layer that is hard to scrape away. So shovel twice when the snow is 2 inches deep rather than waiting to struggle with the ultimate 6 or 8 inches.

  • Take breaks frequently. This is no marathon against your neighbor. Your neighbor may have a 4 wheeler with a plow hook-up and you may just have your lonely snow shovel- its best to be as safe as possible.

    Shoveling snow in the New England area is inevitable during the Winter Season. We don’t like to do it, but we will because we have to drive out of the driveway and get on with our life. But snow shoveling doesn’t have to be painful and put you on the couch for a few days. Dress warm, rest frequently and keep an eye on the snow accumulation – and you will be safe this winter season.

    Visit Arc4life.com for your online selection of cervical support neck pillows, orthopedic pain relief products and Home traction units. Products for pain relief.

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More Americans using Alternative Therapies for Pain Relief

Arc4life.com, a leader in alternative health pain relief products recently released a new new study that highlights how the US uses Alternative therapies for their health care. A recent survey conducted by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention found that 38 Percent of Adults and 12 Percent of Children Use Complementary and Alternative Medicine. This independent study substantiates more Americans are turning to alternative medicine for treatment of pain.

Dr.Matthew Bellinger, chief health advisor at Arc4life.com stated that "Neck Pain and back pain are leading causes of missed time at work, lost productivity, lost time with family and not being able to complete daily activities of living. Keeping your spine healthy should be a priority in everyone's life. Neck pain and back pain should always be treated with natural therapies before opting to use drugs or surgery, which can have many negative effects and other implications"

The survey included questions on 36 types of CAM therapies commonly used in the United States — 10 types of provider-based therapies, such as acupuncture and chiropractic, and 26 other therapies that do not require a provider, such as herbal supplements and meditation. The NIH Survey also found that "many people feel alternative medicine may work better for them than typical medical approaches, with fewer bad side effects."

Neck Pain and back pain are leading causes of missed time at work, lost productivity, lost time with family and not being able to complete daily activities of living. Americans are using alternative health therapies like chiropractic, acupuncture and nutrtion more and moreThe most commonly used CAM therapies among U.S. adults in 2007 were:

  • Nonvitamin, nonmineral, natural products (17.7 %)
  • Most common: fish oil/omega 3/DHA, glucosamine, echinacea, flaxseed oil or pills, and ginseng
  • Deep breathing exercises (12.7 %)
  • Meditation (9.4 %)
  • Chiropractic or osteopathic manipulation (8.6 %)
  • Massage Therapy (8.3 %)
  • Yoga (6.1 %)

"As I look at this data, what I'm most struck with is how much people are turning to CAM (complementary and alternative medicine) approaches as partof the management of chronic pain conditions, particularly chronic backpain, but also neck pain and musculoskeletal pain and headache," said Dr.Josephine Briggs, director of the US National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine at the NIH.

The 2007 survey results were based on responses from 23,000 adults nationwide.

Overall, women and people with higher levels of education were more likely to use alternative medicine techniques, the survey concluded.

Visit Arc4life for your online selection of pain relief products such as cervical support neck pillows, orthopedic pain relief, home traction units, lumbar supports and other products for pain relief


The Dreaded Hunchback - How to Correct That Area of Your Upper Back That Pops Out and Looks Funny!

Today's Blog Post is Courtesy of Dr.Bellinger of CT Spine and Disc Center near Hartford CT. Today he discusses a special type of posture that we all call the "hunchback"- and how to take steps to correct and prevent it:

How does this dreaded "hunchback" form? This condition actually stems from poor neck and upper back posture. What happens is your upper back starts shifting up and back. So that "hunch", is actually bone.

This phenomenon happens because the neck spine shifts forward. They call this forward head posture or forward head carriage.

The whole spine works together. When one section is shifted or misaligned, it causes problems elsewhere. So as the neck spine shifts forward and looses it's normal alignment and curvature, the upper back spine starts pushing up and back increasing it's curve.

A forward head posture is not attractive, and can create a lot of stress on the cervical and thoracic spineWhat is the concern if you have a slight "hunching" of the upper back?. First off, it doesn't look good and it will get worse, looking worse. But more important; if you have it, you know for a fact that your neck and upper back are out of alignment. This is extremely important because research shows that any spinal misalignments eventually puts pressure on nerves. Any pressure on nerves means the body is not working at it's best. This not only predisposes you for neck pain, back pain, and headaches, but can cause something even worse.

So how do you correct this "bone" that's popping out? Answer - we simply need to correct the posture and spine alignment. With this particular problem, the best way is with a good neck neck pillow and neck traction device.

A good neck pillow is one that gives the proper neck support when you sleep. The Cervical Linear Traction Neck Pillow supports your neck while improving alignment.

A true neck traction device will help bring the head and neck back and improve the neck curve even more quickly.

Restoring the normal neck curvature and improving forward head posture will then restore upper back posture and alignment. The upper back spine that was protruding or "hunching" up and back will move back down and forward.

Not only will this neck pillow and neck traction devise correct that ugly "hunch back", it will prevent it from ever occurring to begin with!

Ezine Health Articles: How to Correct that Area of Your Upper Back That Pops Out and Looks Funny!

Additional Reading Resources:

Visit Arc4life for stiff neck, neck pain, pinched nerve in the neck and other symptoms. Arc4life specializes in cervical neck pillows, neck stretches and pain relief products for home.

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