Sleep hygiene is just what the words imply...Essentially
we want you to have good sleep habits.
Do you relax before bed? Don't be on the computer working
right up until bed time. Make sure you
turn your mind down, maybe listening to relaxing music or taking a hot bath.
Is your room sleep friendly? Is your bedroom dark and quiet, like it should
be, or are there flashing lights and ring tones constantly going off?
Do you refrain from eating a lot before bed, and/or
eating or drinking certain beverages. An
example may be coffee or caffeine, or maybe sugar. If you have that hot fudge sunday, it's okay,
just don't do it immediately before hitting the sack.
Do you go to bed at a similar time each night, and do you
sleep a similar amount of time? Going to
bed and waking at all different times can really throw the body and therefore
wreak havoc on the way you sleep.
Last, but not least, have you found a good pillow that
lasts? If not, try the Arc4Life traction
pillow. In other words, The Cervical
Linear Traction Neck Pillow; you'll be happy you did...
Visit for your online selection of cervical support neck pillows, orthopedic pain relief products and Home traction units. Products for pain relief.
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